Jira tracks issues, which can be bugs, feature requests, or any other tasks you want to track.

Each issue has a variety of associated information including:

  • the issue type
  • a summary
  • a description of the issue
  • the project which the issue belongs to
  • components within a project which are associated with this issue
  • versions of the project which are affected by this issue
  • versions of the project which will resolve the issue
  • the environment in which it occurs
  • a priority for being fixed
  • an assigned developer to work on the task
  • a reporter - the user who entered the issue into the system
  • the current status of the issue
  • a full history log of all field changes that have occurred
  • a comment trail added by users
  • if the issue is resolved - the resolution

Issue Types

Jira can be used to track many different types of issues. The currently defined issue types are listed below. In addition, you can add more in the administration section.

For Regular Issues
Action Item
This is a project-defined Action Item that must be tracked to closure. Action Items may come out of meetings or design reviews.
Realized Risk
This is when a risk (which has been documented in the LSST risk registry) has been realized. A realized risk, by definition, is now an issue. The realized risk should cross reference the unique identifier from the LSST risk database.
General Issue/Concern
Use this category to capture general issues/concerns.
LSST Change Control Board Action Item
Actions generated during a CCB meeting that need to be tracked to closure should use this issue type. These may be deferred actions (for example, the CCB may recommend a document for approval but would like to make sure something gets incorporated during the next update).
This is an item from the LSST Hazard Analysis that cannot be designed out or is not identified as a risk in the risk register. These are hazards that will be dealt with through training, signage, or some other method that has a implementation point that is still far into the future.
TCB Action
Telescope Control Board Actions
An issue whose primary purpose is to advertise an intent and allow stakeholders to comment.
An overall project milestone
An overarching scope of work that spans multiple epics
Key Metric
A key performance metric or other type of quantifiable attainment targer
A request for what may potentially be open-ended discussion on high-level topics.
Review item discrepancies
Comments & Questions
Review item clarifications, comments and questions
Story issue type for PUB project
Planning Package
A problem that affected normal operations
An activity relating to planned verification
IT Ticket
This is a ticket for IT.
Review Recommendation
An action item resulting from an agency review
An uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has a positive or negative effect on a project’s objectives
This is for mapping requirements in MagicDraw to a JIRA issue.
SE Task
A slightly augmented task issue type for Systems Engineering.
A deviation request is generated when a requirement will not be fully met but is determined to be acceptable.
Handling action for risks and opportunities.
Risk issue type to be used in the risk management project.
Event Request
Issue Type used to request, approve, track and report on events, which are classified as activities performed by a specific group in a specified timeframe.
This issue type is used to plan and track tours or external visitors that are scheduled in advance to visit a Site.
This issue type is used to plan, and track employee travel between locations. Primarily, Chile and the US.
This issue type is used to plan, coordinate and track the implementation of Observatory hosted meeting and events.
Failure Report
Documentation of an event in which an item does not perform one or more of it's required functions within the specified limits under specified conditions.
Corrective Action
A task required to implement a corrective action to reduce the recurrence of a failure.
Car Request
Issue type used to initiate a vehicle use request, and to track logistics.
An issue describing what needs to be completed in order to validate the science objectives or characterize the system.
Resource Request
Issue type used to interface with the LASD project (AMS) to coordinate administrative and support activities like lodging, travel, shuttles, etc.
ADMIN Request
Issue Type to support resuests for support from the Chile Administrative Team
Work Request
This Issue Type is intended to perform a similar function as the "Task" Issue Type. with a slightly modified workflow.
Generic, temporary Issue Type created to process both Planned and Unplanned maintenance activities.
Internal Review Recommendation
A recommendation resulting from an Internal Review process
Hazard Mitigation Verification
Verification of the defined mitigation to the hazardous condition identified in the LSST Hazard Analysis.
Service Request
Ops Review Rec
Review recommendation for the Rubin Observatory Operations project.
Priority Image HOLDER-1
This Issue type was created as a place holder for the Avatar/image used for SUMMIT PRIORITY-1
Priority Image HOLDER-3
Placeholder for Priority Image for SUMMIT-3
In-Kind Helpdesk
In-kind helpdesk ticket
Non-Conformance Report
An NCR captures the deficiencies in the manufacturing, assembly, and workmanship of the system during it’s production.
An Observing Block, a quantum of schedulable observing
Content Creation
Rubin Ops EPO Team specific issue type for tracking the content creation process.
A problem which impairs or prevents the functions of the product.
Created by Jira Software - do not edit or delete. Issue type for a big user story that needs to be broken down.
New Feature
A new feature of the product, which has yet to be developed.
Created by Jira Software - do not edit or delete. Issue type for a user story.
A task that needs to be done.
An improvement or enhancement to an existing feature or task.
For Sub-Task Issues
The Sub-Task of the issue
Sub-Issue Type for Templates
Technical task
Created by JIRA Agile - do not edit or delete. Issue type for a technical task.

Priority Levels

An issue has a priority level which indicates its importance. The currently defined priorities are listed below. In addition, you can add more priority levels in the administration section.

Blocks development and/or testing work, production could not run.
Crashes, loss of data, severe memory leak.
Major loss of function.
Minor loss of function, or other problem where easy workaround is present.
Cosmetic problem like misspelt words or misaligned text.
No priority assigned (may not apply or be unknown)
This must be done to enter commissioning (a) or operations (b); no waivers will be granted if not met.
Must be demonstrated to be working before the start of the commissioning period.
Must be demonstrated to be working before the start of the observing.
Should be done to enter Operations; but waiver likely to be granted if not met.
Overall capability/efficiency/ease of use/etc., may be reduced but science will not critically suffer if not done.
Critical Path
Near Critical Path
When We Can
Back Burner
DELETE - Not Applicable
Temporary Priority created for testing purposes. Will be deleted after test.
Only 1 person affected
Many people affected
Everybody is affected


Status Categories

Helps identify where an issue is in its lifecycle.
Issues move from To Do to In Progress when work starts on them, and later move to Done when all work is complete.


Represents anything for which work has been completed

In Progress

Represents anything in the process of being worked on

No Category

A category is yet to be set for this status

To Do

Represents anything new

Issue Statuses

Each issue has a status, which indicates the stage of the issue. In the default workflow, issues start as being Open, progressing to In Progress, Resolved and then Closed. Other workflows may have other status transitions.

The issue is open and ready for the assignee to start work on it.
To Do
In Progress
This issue was once resolved, but the resolution was deemed insufficient. From here issues are either marked assigned or resolved.
A resolution has been taken, and it is awaiting verification by reporter. From here issues are either reopened, or are closed.
The issue has been closed due to legacy status, no further work has been registered.
Use this state for any item that has technical resolution but will not be updated in baselined documentation until a later date.
In Review
This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
The person who has been assigned the issue acknowledges that he/she is the correct person to assign the issue to and agrees to work the issue.
This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
Code Review
This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
Awaiting Signoff
This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
Won't Fix
This status is managed internally by JIRA Software
Can't Reproduce
Giving up unless more information is provided
The proposal has been withdrawn due to the Reporter reconsidering, or as a result of the discussion.
An issue has been flagged for management escalation.
This RFC has been retired because it is no longer applicable (eg. it relates to software that has been replaced)
An RFC or plan has been proposed
An RFC or plan has been adopted as the baseline
This is a duplicate of another ticket
A catch-all for any kind of status that does not fall in an existing category. In DM this includes reports that can't be reproduced, duplicates, confusion, etc.
Tis Done.
Selected for Development
With PubBoard
Awaiting Action from the PubBoard (referee assignment, approval etc)
With Reviewer
The item is with the reviewer assigned by the pub board
With Project
The item is in its project-wide consultation period
Closeout Review
Journal Submitted
The paper has been submitted to the journal (or proceedings etc.)
Journal In Review
The paper is in the journal's peer review process
Journal In Press
With Author
In Analysis
Board Recommended
The RFC has been recommended for approval by the relevant change control team (eg DM-TCT or ITCG)
Manager Approved
Approved by Manager with permissions
PM Approval
This issue was submitted for Review, but additional information or action is requested. From here issues are sent back (returned) to the Assignee.
The verification requirement has been traced to a least 1 Test Case.
In Verification
The verification requirement has been fully verified with no Deviations.
The verification requirement has been fully verified and is now being monitored to ensure it does not go out of compliance.
Verified w/ Deviation
The verification requirement has been verified but required a Deviation.
The deviation request has been accepted.
Not Covered
The issue has been created but it has not been traced to any Test Cases.
The verification requirement has failed verification and has been decided to be descoped.
Out of Compliance
During monitoring, the verification requirement has fallen out of compliance.
CCB Review
The deviation request is being reviewed by the CCB.
Impact Analysis
The deviation request is having an impact analysis being performed by the SE Team.
Set the ticket on waiting status for whatever reason.
Active Risk/Opportunity
FRB Review
The failure report is being reviewed by the Failure Review Board.
CA Approved
The Corrective Action(s) have been approved by the FRB for implementation.
SE Review
Action is officially planned.
Admin Review
This Status indicates that a Request for Services has been received and in under Administrative Review to determine the appropriate next action.
Under Review
Maintenance Approved
This step indicates that the Maintenance activity is successfully completed.
Admin Request
Interim step to hold tickets to identify when Admin support is requested.
Traveler Input Required
Step to indicate that a task is on hold pending Traveler input.
Status to indicate that TRAVEL projects requests have been addressed.
Reqless Request
Initial status when email received from Reqless after TR approval. Progression causes subtasks to be created.
Proposed Task
State created to hold new tasks for CAM review and planning before adding to the Summit Calendar
Safety Review
Waiting Customer
Waiting External
Pending Approval
Pending Review
Pending Documentation
Escalated L2
Escalated L3
Parametric Configuration
Temporary interim state to allow post function conditioning of data transferred from an external system
No Artifact
The requirement verification has been reviewed and no artifact is available.
This ticket is being monitored but needs additional input (data, testing, occurences, etc) before it can be worked on
Action created in a subsystem Jira project
Text & Content
Specific content is being generated.
Content Review
Content is under review by appropriate reviewer
Visuals & Translation
Specific visuals are being created and translation is underway.
Final Review
Review of all aspects of the content is underway.
Ready for Publication
Content has been created, reviewed and now is ready for publication (Done).
On Hold
Work on content has been paused, waiting for escalation.
An issue or task that is being considered for future implementation.


An issue can be resolved in many ways, only one of them being "Fixed". The defined resolutions are listed below. You can add more in the administration section.

A fix for this issue is checked into the tree and tested.
Won't Fix
The problem described is an issue which will never be fixed.
The problem is a duplicate of an existing issue.
The problem is not completely described.
Cannot Reproduce
All attempts at reproducing this issue failed, or not enough information was available to reproduce the issue. Reading the code produces no clues as to why this behavior would occur. If more information appears later, please reopen the issue.
GreenHopper Managed Resolution
Won't Do
This issue won't be actioned.
Passed Verification
The verification requirement has been fully verified.
Passed Verification w/ Deviation
The verification requirement has been verified but required deviations.
The verification requirement has failed verification and has been descoped.
The Deviation has been accepted.
The Deviation has been rejected and the issue must be fixed a verified.